"The 2020 Vision Capital Project" Breaks Ground at Batavia City SD

Batavia City School District celebrated the groundbreaking of The 2020 Vision Capital Project at John Kennedy Intermediate School this October. The event kicks off the district’s $26.7 million construction project, which is scheduled for completion in December 2019.
Additions and renovations in this project include:
- A complete renovation and restoration of the district’s outdoor athletics stadium, including installation of a new track and all-weather turf field
- Interior improvements and classroom upgrades for special education and music programming at John Kennedy Intermediate School
- Roof replacement and auditorium improvements at Batavia High School
- District-wide safety and security improvements, energy cost-saving initiatives, and parking/drop off configurations
Batavia City School District officials and Board of Education members welcomed New York State Assemblyman Stephen Hawley to participate in the “Golden Shovel Ceremony,” alongside Campus CMG Vice President Mark Esposito and Project Manager Marco Marascio.