Oswego City School District Breaks Ground

A Ground Breaking Ceremony took place at the site of a new Science Wing at the Oswego City School District High School. This is part of Phase 1B of the $48M 2007 EXCEL Capital Project for the District. The ceremony took place on the morning of April 20, 2009.
Among the attendees were: District Administration - Bill Crist (Superintendent), Pete Colucci (Ast. Super. for Business), David Crisafulli (Ast. Super. Buildings & Grounds) & Pete Myles (HS Principal); a Board of Education member (Sean Madden); Ashley McGraw Architects (Chris Warner), and Campus CMG personnel (Tom Caruso, Kevin Clark, Scott Bulriss, Paul Clements, David Butts & Stephanie Joyce).
Also included in this project will be a new Cafeteria Addition and a total renovation of the kitchen as well as several other areas within the High School. In addition, support buildings surrounding the campus such as the transportation building warehouse, district offices, and the bus garage also are scheduled to receive renovations during Phase 1B. Phase 2, which will be out to bid shortly, includes renovations to the Middle School and five Elementary Schools.